
Hello!Mary Rita 6-10-2005

Monday, October 30, 2006

Maggie Birthday Party

Today is Maggie birthday and she had a birthday party in McDonald restaurant this morning. She invited me to go there.

In McDonald, there were many children, Renee, Kelly, Audon and etc. We enjoyed a lot of food, orange juice, hamburger … After our meal, we played some funny games. I lost in the game “hide-and-seek” but I am the winner in Chinese chess. Later on, all of us gave our presents to Maggie, she returned us some meaningful presents too.

Finally, we sang the birthday song together and ate birthday cake, we were very happy and tired.

“Does Maggie get more than 30 presents?” I thought.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


昨天, 是我考五級樂理的大日子.

我來到考場, 見到很多考生, 有的是中學生,有的是小學生. 有的表現得很輕鬆, 在和家人閒談, 有的表現得很緊張, 還拿著樂理書在溫習, 而我的心情沒有什麼特別.

距離考試還差十多分鐘, 考生陸陸續續進入考場. 此時, 我開始感到緊張.

考試開始了,考場一切都很安靜, 只有聽到考生寫字的沙沙聲. 我也順利完成這份試題.

考試結束了, 我終於鬆了口氣, 希望這次可以取得好成績.