
Hello!Mary Rita 6-10-2005

Tuesday, April 03, 2007



Monday, April 02, 2007

I am a rabbit

Hi! I am a rabbit. My name is Candy. I live in a girl call June’s home. June very like me! Because she feels me is cute and she likes white. I have a white body and red eyes. I like eating vegetable, carrot and grass. Because they are healthy. I don’t eat the meat. June want to take me to the park and play with her. Good-bye!

Thursday, March 29, 2007


昨天, 我看見一套電影<<環保計劃>>上映。由於,我也算是「環保人士」,所以買了一張電影票。

這套電影的內是這樣的:二零一三年,香港所有的垃圾堆填區已經飽和了,餘下的垃圾只好隨意棄置在街上,令香港每個角落都充實臭味。香港人又把垃圾放在走火通道,令火警時無路可走,死傷過百。香港政府終於醒覺了,他們實施了「用垃圾袋者自付」,在垃圾 裏設「環保垃圾箱」等的計劃。過了幾年,香港已經變成更美好了,市民們都「習慣成自然」了!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A bee

‘Hello! I am a bee. My name is Alice. I am so unhappy! Because the people do not like them! Why? Yesterday, my brother Alan was hurt, he said the children were play him. I think the people are wrong, because we can pick the honest to the people. They must not hurt us! They should thank us! I am so angry! I can’t NEVER SAY DIE! Ok! I want to go home! Good bye!’

Sunday, February 25, 2007



Friday, February 23, 2007

A letter

Dear Rose,
How are you?Did you feel the housework is hard?
I knew your pet Agatha is ill,Did she is OK?You can tell me in the letter!Are you in Bangkok now? What is the time in Bangkok now?How do the Bangkok peoper do in New Year?
Last weekend, I went to the park with you and you said 'I am awkward !'. I didn't think so!Because your Chinese Exam was 99 marks,English amd Marks Exam were 100 marks!That was very good!So I tought you are very clever! I want to do my homework now!Write the letter to me!Goodbye!
Your friend,

Sunday, February 04, 2007

My younger sister

I have a younger sister, her name is Heiley. She is very cute, small eyes, a big mouth, and small ears. She looks like an apple!

Heiley is only four years old and she is in class K1. She is learning how to write numbers “1”, “7” & “10”. When I finish my homework, I will teach her as well. Heiley is very clever, she can read some Chinese poems. Last examination, she got5 hundred marks, I am very happy.